Friday, July 10, 2009

Falling Off Trains and Other Stories My Friends Find Amusing!

Note: Actually these trains are at the station in Samaria, not Deva. These are shots I took when Carolyn and I went to the Botanical Gardens and rode the train back to Hunedoara. My train in Deva was a bit more modern...

Oh, and here is one of the eerie reflection self portraits. I enjoyed myself so much that I shot more in Helsinki!

Not many people back in Hunedoara know much about what happened after I left the Center on Thursday morning, June 18, 2009 at 5:30 in the morning. In fact, no one, save Liviu even saw me after Wednesday. I do need to give Liviu his due credit for really taking care of me that last morning, but that is another story for another time; perhaps when I write about the people I grew to love in such a short time in Romania...

This is the rest of the story... the amusing-if-you-can-laugh-at-yourself part of the story! Now on the train, not at first realizing that Liviu wasn't behind me with my larger bag; instead a stranger is following me with it, I find my seat and he helps me hoist my bags onto the racks above the spacious compartment. As I looked out the huge window, I see Liviu waving goodbye. I waved back as the train pulled away mouthing the words, "Thank you", hoping he could read lips!

As I settled myself, preparing to make the most of the 6 hour train ride, I realized that I had tears silently streaming down my face (ok, this isn't the funny part, yet!). I didn't want to leave, I wasn't ready. There was so much more for me to see, to do, to learn, to help with...

What is funny is how after the second hour, I was wishing that I had let Pastor Corneliu book me in a sleeping compartment, as I could barely keep my eyes open. Soon however, the fatigue passed and I started noticing the people around me. I had a man across the table from me and no one next to either of us...yet.

The only odd thing about the man was that he began pulling beers out of his satchel at about 9:30 in the morning and put away 3 in no time. I'm not certain if this is a cultural difference or if the man had a drinking problem. I have to admit, it was so hard not to stare at him at lunch time as he sliced slabs of sausage and cheeses to lay on thick wedges of home baked bread. It was as if our table became this deli station and the way he cut the sausage made me sure he would end up with a part of his thumb in it! After a couple of more beers, he was sound asleep, leaving me to the fun and first stage of boredom busters; self portrait taking in the reflective black panel above. It was really kind of fun! After all, I am usually behind the camera.

They turned out a little eerie, but fun!

I'm going to skip right over the annoying 2 women who ended up sharing the adjoining seats for the second half of the trip. The only thing I will say, is that if I ever have the urge to give myself a complete manicure and pedicure in a public place, the experience of watching a complete stranger do this completely turned my stomach, especially when it involved the previously mentioned deli counter!

I actually managed well for an English-speaking woman in a completely Romanian-speaking train. Even when the conductor came to check the tickets, no language was needed. And when it was, the nice man across from me, after hearing me numerous times repeat,"Nu înţeleg, vorbesc engleza " I don't understand, I speak English, helped out. At one point, the conductor came back to me and asked for something, I have no idea what, but the man interceded for me and the conductor went on his way! I still have no idea, what was said!

The important communication like, "Bucharest?" were managed with similar answers but different inflections! Da, Bucharest - yes, (this is) Bucharest! Of course this was my mostly silent, beer appreciating fellow passenger. He helped me get my bags down and headed off on his way. Thankfully the aisles were wide, as I had a giant, though not too heavy suitcase (although we really should check with Liviu and the 2 men who helped me with it on this fact!) on wheels, a slightly smaller suitcase on wheels, and 2 carry-ons.

I started to hurry, remembering that the train barely waited more than just a few minutes before leaving at each stop. This was my fatal error...

As I balanced the weight of the larger suitcase behind me, and lifted the smaller case in front of me, I stepped onto the first narrow metal step and watched unbelieving as my foot slipped and I pitched forward into the arms of a man waiting to board the train. Then I realized that I wasn't crushed by the giant suitcase behind me either. As I gushed "thank you" over and over in Romanian, my rescuer untangled himself from me and my luggage after assuring me that it was no problem (in Romanian, of course) and boarded the train. The man above me, my rescuer from the surety of being crushed beneath my behemoth case, carried it down the steps and handed the handle back to me. "mulţumesc " I said again and he replied, "I'm afraid I don't speak the language." in a very nice Irish accent... Oh, English! I exclaimed, "Thank you so much!" I said stupidly, "Oh, you're Irish! My husband and daughter just got back from Northern Ireland." After assuring him that someone was meeting me, we went our separate ways.

The funny thing is, that he sat only 2 seats away on the train. I could have communicated for at least part of the 6 hours if I'd only known! But those who know me probably thought it was good practice for me to be quiet for such a span!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog mommy, i even added you to my favorites!

stacey said...

Thanks, Shelby. You're definitely one of mine, too!

Lauren said...

Heh heh this was quite amusing, but I can't help but wonder how long it took you to type it ;)
-Your loving daughter, pride of your life, joy of your being AKA Lauren

stacey said...

Not as long as it took you to read it. -Your loving mother, Mum