Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Am The Crippled Man....

I was listening to the words of the song, "Tears of the Saints" and it really hit me, as an American how tied down or crippled I am with the materialism that surrounds me and clings to almost every area of my life.

When I was at the House of Grace, Casa Harului, I remember feeling as if the kids here had taken me under their wings. They offered their friendship, they translated for me, and shared their hopes and dreams for the future. I didn't want to leave. I still sense how unencumbered they were with their wheelchairs and disabilities, and how burdened and weighed down I am by mine...

These young adults reached out their hands and picked up a crippled


Roy said...

That second picture of the cylindrical area is just beautiful. Your trip sounds amazing.

It seems like you are developing "the soul of a poet" and seeing the world through a different set of eyes. That is an area where God is stretching me.

stacey said...

Thank you Roy! My first reader, and commenter. I admit, God has opened my eyes and shown me a new way to look at things. I pray everyday that I will not lose this new sight.

That area you spoke of was designed and built by some people from England. The man who designed it wanted wheelchair accessible gardens for the kids and their families without losing the beauty to it's purpose. I'd say he succeeded! The open area at the top left will be a fountain some day.